News + Stories

Click the picture above to hear my story on YouTube.

Click the picture above to hear my story on YouTube.

My name is Darius Ford + this is my journey.

Create + Collaborate supported me through my senior year and has continued to support me into my first year of college. Create + Co’s program Fit For The Future helped me get me fully fitted for a suit. They went a step further and paid for the suit, shoes, and accessories that I needed for my full ride scholarship interview to Texas Christian University. The suit made me feel prideful in myself, it boosted and gave me the confidence to do well in my interview. I had never owned a suit before, so my first time receiving it I couldn't even explain the feeling. I can describe it as coaches saying in practice or before basketball games “If you look good, you play good.” On that day it was just that. 

I am proud to say I was selected to be a Community Scholar at Texas Christian University. Fit For The Future gave me the confidence I needed to succeed in the interview. The program alleviated a financial burden for me and my family and allowed me to fully focus on the interview. 

Create + Co’s program CREATE COLLEGE helped me with my dorm essentials. That experience made me enjoy the process of being a college student. In college your dorm is like your safe haven and it's the place you go to and destress and focus. I don’t know how I would feel in my room without the things that Create + Co purchased for me, they gave me the ability to make my room my own and not carry the burden of trying to figure out how I was going to pay for dorm essentials. It made my room feel like home and it made my process smoother and one to remember. 

Getting the TCU Community Scholarship was definitely one of the proudest moments of my life. I never wanted my parents to pay for me to go to college and I achieved that goal. I learned to take advantage of this opportunity because there are many people in my city that wish that could be in my shoes. Now that I have the scholarship I am getting involved on campus and keeping my grades up. I plan to keep getting involved on campus and plan on making a change in my community and all across the world. I’m glad that Create + Co supports me on my journey to achieving greatness. 

Darius Ford, Founding Member 2020